I hit an important OpenHMD milestone tonight – I completed a Beat Saber level using my Oculus Rift CV1!
I’ve been continuing to work on integrating Kalman filtering into OpenHMD, and on improving the computer vision that matches and tracks device LEDs. While I suspect noone will be completing Expert levels just yet, it’s working well enough that I was able to play through a complete level of Beat Saber. For a long time this has been my mental benchmark for tracking performance, and I’m really happy 🙂
Check it out:
I should admit at this point that completing this level took me multiple attempts. The tracking still has quite a tendency to lose track of controllers, or to get them confused and swap hands suddenly.
I have a list of more things to work on. See you at the next update!
How are you running this? Linux + Steam + Proton?
Yes, Linux + Steam + SteamVR + Proton and SteamVR-OpenHMD running my development branch of OpenHMD from https://github.com/thaytan/OpenHMD/tree/rift-kalman-filter
I guess under Linux, with OpenHMD and Oculus there is no need for a FB account ?
Correct – the OpenHMD driver is a from-scratch driver implementation. There’s no Oculus software anywhere in the stack.