I’ve pushed some new changes to my Raspberry Pi camera GStreamer wrapper, at https://github.com/thaytan/gst-rpicamsrc/
These bring the GStreamer element up to date with new features added to raspivid since I first started the project, such as adding text annotations to the video, support for the 2nd camera on the compute module, intra-refresh and others.
Where possible, you can now dynamically update any of the properties – where the firmware supports it. So you can implement digital zoom by adjusting the region-of-interest (roi) properties on the fly, or update the annotation or change video effects and colour balance, for example.
The timestamps produced are now based on the internal STC of the Raspberry Pi, so the audio video sync is tighter. Although it was never terrible, it’s now more correct and slightly less jittery.
The one major feature I haven’t enabled as yet is stereoscopic handling. Stereoscopic capture requires 2 cameras attached to a Raspberry Pi Compute Module, so at the moment I have no way to test it works.
I’m also working on GStreamer stereoscopic handling in general (which is coming along). I look forward to releasing some of that code soon.